Complete Guide to Using Urea Fertilizer for Garlic

Urea Fertilizer for Garlic

Urea fertilizer for garlic is one of the most important and widely used nitrogen sources in agriculture, employed to enhance the growth and yield of this plant. Garlic, as an economically significant crop with extensive applications in the food and medical industries, requires sufficient nitrogen to achieve optimal growth and high-quality yields.

Nitrogen, being a primary element in the structure of proteins and certain key compounds, plays a vital role in photosynthesis and the growth of garlic plants. Proper use of urea fertilizer, especially at the right time and in the correct amount, can significantly improve plant performance. In this article from PetroBNX, we will examine the role, characteristics, and key considerations for using urea fertilizer in garlic cultivation.

Urea fertilizer, containing 46% nitrogen, is a rich source of nitrogen and has a significant impact on the growth and performance of garlic plants. Using urea fertilizer can help produce larger garlic bulbs, improve photosynthesis and greenness, and enhance the quality of the crop.

The application rate and timing of urea fertilizer for garlic must be carefully managed to avoid negative effects such as growth pattern disruption and soil contamination. The best urea fertilizer for garlic is Shock brand nitrogen fertilizer with 42% nitrogen.

What is Urea Fertilizer for Garlic and What Are Its Benefits?

garlic plants

One of the most important nutrients for increasing garlic production and quality is nitrogen. Nitrogen is an essential nutrient and a major component of organic compounds. It is found in proteins, enzymes, metabolic compounds, and substances involved in the synthesis of materials and energy transfer.

Nitrogen is also present in chlorophyll and green pigments of garlic plants, making it essential for photosynthesis. Urea is often absorbed by garlic in the form of nitrate. Most of the nitrogen in garlic exists as organic nitrogen in the form of protein. Urea undergoes hydrolysis in soil and converts into ammonium carbonate. The resulting ammonium can be directly used by the plant or converted to nitrate by soil microorganisms, then absorbed by garlic.

Key benefits of using urea fertilizer for garlic include:

  • Compatibility with various fertilizers
  • High nitrogen content
  • Cost-effectiveness compared to other nitrogen fertilizers
  • Long shelf life
  • Suitable for various soil types
  • Increased dry weight of garlic
  • Enhanced photosynthesis and greenness
  • Improved harvest index of garlic
  • Increased chlorophyll content and concentration of manganese, iron, and phosphorus in garlic
  • Easy and safe storage
  • Simple application and fast absorption

To boost performance and promote better growth of garlic plants, urea fertilizer can be used alongside other common fertilizers like “high phosphorus fertilizer for garlic.”

Signs of Nitrogen Deficiency in Garlic

Best Urea Fertilizer for Garlic

Nitrogen is mobile within the plant, and when deficient, it moves from older leaves to younger ones. Consequently, garlic suffering from nitrogen deficiency shows symptoms first in older leaves. Nitrogen deficiency in garlic results in stunted root and shoot growth, shortened and narrowed shoots, and smaller leaves, often appearing light green to yellowish-green early in the growing season. If the deficiency persists, older leaves lighten further, dry out, and fall off.

In addition to urea, poultry manure is a rich source of nitrogen. Applying it properly can address nitrogen deficiency in garlic. Details about using this organic fertilizer are discussed in the article “Poultry Manure for Garlic.” In the next section, we will introduce the best urea fertilizer available on the market.

Introducing the Best Urea Fertilizer for Garlic

The best urea fertilizer for garlic should primarily contain an adequate amount of nitrogen and no harmful compounds or impurities that could harm the plant or environment. High solubility, rapid absorption, high purity, practical packaging, reputable branding, nano-structure, and affordability are other features to consider when selecting urea fertilizer for garlic. Below is an introduction to one of the best liquid urea fertilizers and its features:

Shock Liquid Nitrogen Fertilizer

Shock 42% liquid nitrogen fertilizer is imported from the United States and primarily functions to enhance photosynthesis, promote vegetative growth, and boost chlorophyll production. This fertilizer is suitable for various agricultural and horticultural crops, including garlic, and can be mixed with other fertilizers.

Shock nitrogen fertilizer is in liquid form, posing no environmental toxicity or harm to plants. It provides the maximum required nitrogen for plants at minimal cost and, thanks to its nano-structure, is quickly absorbed by plants.

How to Use Urea Fertilizer for Garlic

How to Use Urea Fertilizer for Garlic

Liquid urea fertilizer for garlic can be applied via irrigation or foliar spraying. Liquid urea has higher solubility and absorption rates, making it preferable to solid urea fertilizer. Additionally, liquid fertilizer reduces the risk of plant burning.

Foliar Spraying

For foliar spraying, first mix urea fertilizer with an appropriate amount of water. Then, use specialized equipment such as pump sprayers to evenly spray the solution onto the plants during balanced weather conditions.

Benefits of foliar spraying include rapid absorption and high efficacy. Foliar application of urea is particularly crucial when addressing nitrogen deficiency. It is most effective when the leaves are fully expanded, the weather is cool, and the plant is not under water stress.


In fertigation, first mix liquid urea fertilizer with an appropriate amount of water. Inject the resulting solution into the garlic field using irrigation systems. It is important to add the fertilizer toward the end of the irrigation cycle to minimize nitrogen leaching.

For detailed steps on irrigation methods and “Garlic Irrigation Techniques,” refer to the linked article. Advantages of fertigation include the ability to apply fertilizer in smaller doses, increasing its efficiency.

Timing of Urea Fertilizer Application for Garlic

To maximize the efficiency of urea fertilizer for garlic, timing is crucial. Applying urea during critical growth stages when the plant’s nitrogen demand is highest ensures minimal waste and maximum effectiveness.

Urea fertilizer can be used at different stages of garlic growth. The best time to apply urea for garlic is during active growth when the leaves begin to enlarge. Generally, urea can be applied early in the growing season.

Recommended Urea Fertilizer Dosage for Garlic

The required dosage of urea fertilizer for garlic depends on factors such as climatic conditions, growth stage, application method, and soil test results. The table below provides the recommended application rates for Shock nitrogen fertilizer using two methods:

Application MethodDosage
Fertigation10 to 20 liters per barrel dilution
Foliar Spraying3 to 5 liters per hectare with 400 to 800 liters of water

Using urea fertilizer for garlic in quantities exceeding the soil and plant absorption capacity can cause environmental pollution. Excessive urea can also lead to nitrate accumulation in garlic, harming both the plant and consumers. Overuse of urea increases plant susceptibility to pests and diseases, groundwater contamination, reduced soil water retention capacity, and delayed growth patterns.

Purchasing the Best Urea Fertilizer for Garlic

Purchasing the Best Urea Fertilizer for Garlic

To purchase various garlic fertilizers, including Shock liquid nitrogen fertilizer, visit the “Buy Shock Nitrogen Fertilizer” page on PetroBNX’s website. You can easily place your order in just a few clicks. This fertilizer is available in 1, 5, and 20-liter packages on the website.


Using urea fertilizer as a rich nitrogen source can significantly enhance garlic growth and quality. Given its quantitative and qualitative features, urea fertilizer allows farmers to achieve better productivity and performance in their garlic fields, increasing their income.


What is urea fertilizer, and what role does it play in garlic cultivation?

Urea fertilizer for garlic is a chemical fertilizer containing about 46% nitrogen. Nitrogen is a key component in proteins and other essential plant compounds. In garlic cultivation, using urea fertilizer can enhance plant growth, increase the number and quality of garlic bulbs, and ultimately improve crop performance.

Does urea fertilizer have any side effects on garlic?

Excessive or improperly timed use of urea fertilizer can cause side effects such as root burn and reduced product quality. Therefore, adhering to appropriate dosage and timing is essential to prevent such issues.

How is urea fertilizer used for garlic?

Shock liquid nitrogen fertilizer for garlic can be applied via fertigation or foliar spraying.

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